
Wednesday 14 July 2021

Third time lucky they say. Before I carry on with this next incarnation, I need to stress from the outset that I have no illusions, or inflated opinions of my abilities, and I am not setting myself up as some sort expert because I am most decidedly not. I have received some kind comments from followers of certain Facebook pages and in order to improve myself and provide a diary of my gaming and modelling exploits, I have decided to start to blog again, and share anything that has caused a smattering of interest. I hope to include some painting schemes/colours that I use, maybe some reviews of figures and gaming paraphernalia, and any other topic that I can try and whip up some interest in.

My main interest is modern era war gaming although like many out there I have meandered through gaming time warps from Napoleonic, Samurai, WW2, WW1, Spanish Civil War…..well you get the idea. Also, like many others, I can’t resist the odd mini or ten from something totally unrelated to my chosen era and I would like to add these in just for the fun of it.

Here are a few pictures to give an idea of my collection, including a hasty snap of my less than tidy work space- no pristine painting studio here! Amongst this random collection are some minis from Anvil Industries sporting the over large weapons often associated with the ‘heroic’ scale and minis from a well known games company. This divides opinions and is a topic I may well cover at some time, but for now, suffice to say, I will just enjoy painting them.

A right mixture, but this is my disordered world. I hope that you will return when I have entered more posts and feel free to comment, but constructively please!
Best wishes.


  1. Really looking forward to this Blog :)

    Your friend ,


    1. Thanks Rapha! I hope I don't disappoint!

  2. As one of those dishing out 'advice' re blogs on your FB post (Peter Anthony there), good on you - looking forward to seeing what you post next, as those White Dragon minis are superb. Love Anvil's stuff but I can't get past the huge guns!

  3. Thanks Peter. I understand what you mean about the ‘comedy’ sized weapons completely. Although not a stickler for complete accuracy for gaming ( and I admire those who are) I am happy to collect and paint them purely for the fact that…..they’re there! Resin is a relatively new departure for me having always collected metal minis, but the Whit3 Dragon figures gave me pause to think and I find the crisp detail much easier to pick out. Again, many thanks for your contribution, best wishes.


Gripping Beast resin miniatures

 Having discovered my new found love for resin miniatures, a good friend recommended another company that sold resin figures for the modern ...