
Saturday 25 September 2021

Anvil Industries

Having painted a large number of figures like most wargamers, my preference has always been for metal minis. From the early Prince August ‘cast your own’  Napoleonics to Empress, Spectre, Eureka et al, I thought that was the best material. Then came (for me) White Dragon Miniatures. I became a bit of a fan of resin then.

My son had always liked the early resin figures from Games Workshop but I sneered at the expense. Now, with a little egg on my face, I get it. So having really enjoyed painting White Dragon minis I looked around for some alternatives. Anvil Industry cropped up on my Googling and I was quite impressed by the options they provided. I know that the first criticism  many will have is the oversized weapons- and that is something I struggle with a bit, but those who have gamed with Games Workshop minis will be less critical perhaps. Yes, the weapons are over-sized, but unless you are a wargamer who wishes to adhere to complete authenticity, and there is nothing wrong in that of course, then these minis can provide a bit of a different flavour for a game.

Here are a few examples of the Anvil minis I have put together and painted. I’ve tried to get a mixture of spec ops and insurgent types for opposing forces. There are all sorts of extras on the website to use for other applications and many things for customising your current minis if that is your interest. Head swaps in particular are small alterations that can individualise your armies and Anvil have plenty of options.

So just a small mention for this company. Good service too, and although stock levels are suffering on some items, probably to do with the pandemic and Brexit, if it’s out of stock at least you can see the state of play.

As a parting shot, here is a picture of a White Dragon Minis Taliban motorcycle and passengers that I finished recently.

I hope to have a report on Turnbase 3D printed miniatures in the future- more resin!

Gripping Beast resin miniatures

 Having discovered my new found love for resin miniatures, a good friend recommended another company that sold resin figures for the modern ...